Heidlersburg through time...
The History of the Town
Heidlersburg is in the southern half of Tyrone Township. The township was founded in 1749, making it one of the oldest ones in Adams County. In fact, Tyrone Township was formed even before the county existed.
Until 1749, neither Adams County, nor York County existed. The areas we now know by those names were part of a much larger Lancaster County. In 1749, the western parts of Lancaster County were divided off to become York County, and in 1800, the far western portion was separated into Adams County, named for John Adams, who was president at that time.
Tyrone Township was named for the home of many of the early settlers, the county of Tyrone in Northern Ireland. Over the past 243 years, the township has grown steadily. In 1800, the population was 512; in 1840 it was 757; in 1880 it was 985; in 1992 it was 1834; and according to the Census Reporter in 2022 it was 2,023.
Heidlersburg is in the southern half of Tyrone Township, near the intersection of Route 234 and Old Harrisburg Road. In times past, these were two of the main east/west and north/south routes.
The location was probably the reason why John Heidler founded the town in 1812. A town located here would be able to prosper by offering services to the travelers.
After founding the town, Heidler offered a reward to the first person to build a house there Michael Starry won that bonus, which might explain why, in later years the town was known as Starrytown.
The Town Grows
In the 1800s, two taverns/hotels operated in Heidlersburg, The Farmers, Drovers, and the Travelers Rest. Most of the other industry in town was typical of that period: cobblers, blacksmiths, carpenters, and wagonmakers. Chairmaking was important in Heidlersburg during and after the Civil War.
One of the most prominent carpenters in Heidlersburg was Milton Pittenturf. He was a well- known builder of covered bridges and is credited with at least six of the bridges built in Adams County.
In 1863, the roads that gave Heidlersburg its economic base also gave the town a role in the events leading up to the Battle of Gettysburg.
General Richard S. Ewell’s forces moved south from Carlisle on the Old Harrisburg Road. The night of June 30, they camped along both sides of the road, from Heidlersburg to Twin Bridges where the road passes over two streams.
The following day the Confederate troops arrived in Gettysburg, taking their place along Seminary Ridge.
The community grew through the middle of the 1800s. The United Brethren in Christ congregation was formed in 1840 and met in a schoolhouse near the church. St. Mark’s Lutheran Church was built in 1861. A third church, a Presbyterian one, was started but only met for a year in a building which still stands today, on Route 234 east of the square.
That building was sold in 1909 to the Patriotic Order Sons of America. Many town picnics, complete with local bands, were held in this hall.
The first school was built before 1840, either by the town or the township.
History of Heidlersburg Fire Co
Some members of the community decided there needed to be a civic association in Heidlersburg. John Adams, Robert Volland, and John Adamik got together and purchased the old schoolhouse next to the Brethren Church for $68.
The building had to be moved, but there was nowhere to put it until Robert Martin, who owned property next to the church, agreed that the building could be temporarily parked on his land It stayed there for one month when Orris and Dorothy Robinson agreed to sell a 3.48-acre parcel of land to the association for $375.​
Sometime in 1961, it was decided to organize a fire department as part of the civic responsibility.
It was decided to organize a fire department as part of civic responsibility and the Heidlersburg Area Civic Association Fire Company was chartered. A meeting was attended by 60 residents on a Friday evening at the Heidlersburg United Brethren in Christ Sunday School building.​
John Q. Adams was chosen as the first president. Other officers elected were Edward Weigle, second vice-president; Robert Deardorff, secretary; John Adamik, treasurer; Rev. Jacob Stover, chaplain; Robert Kennedy Jr., fire chief; Russell Frankenfield, 1st assistant chief; Irvin Smith, 2nd assistant chief; Frank Weigle, Robert Volland, Rodney Weigle, Wilber Trump, and Owen Shinham, trustees. Meetings were held on the first Wednesday of each month in the old school building and one of the first money making projects was a door-to-door solicitation to raise funds for the purchase of fire equipment.
The members purchased a 1942 GMC fire truck from the Gettysburg Fire Co. for $125. It had a 500 GPM pump and a 150-gallon water tank. Gettysburg also gave Heidlersburg some coats, boots, helmets, and smoke masks were supplied from a York fire department.​
Until a siren was installed much later, the firemen were alerted by the quick call center in Gettysburg. When there was a fire, the center called the Adams General Store by phone and workers at the store went into action. They turned the siren on, called Roy Martin to respond with the truck and started a phone chain to rest of the firemen. ​
The first carnival was held in 1962. The members built a lean-to addition onto the school building, and this served as the first kitchen for the carnival. The entertainment for the first carnival was Don Reno and Red Smiley from the Grand Ole Oprey in Nashville​
Later the company purchased a 1952 Diamond T truck from Agway. It had a 1560-gallon fuel tank and served as the first tank truck. This truck was housed in another building on John Herman’s Schoolhouse Road property.
The cement block fire hall was built. It was built by contractors and fire department members. Many members spend many long days and nights giving of their time to save money on construction costs. The new building housed the fire trucks and had a kitchen and dining room. During the late ‘60s and ‘70s, solicitations, carnivals and public suppers were held to raise money for the fire company.
Also in 1965, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Heidlersburg Fire Company was organized at the urging of the firemen. The ladies were asked to assist with the money-making projects, mostly in the line of preparation and sales of food.
​In the very beginning, they had no kitchen equipment to work with. They attended public sales and began accumulating kitchen utensils and equipment. Throughout the years, they have been responsible for their own projects and profits have been used to efficiently equip the kitchen and dining room.
Along with helping the firemen with their projects, the ladies have done things on their own, such as serving banquets and wedding receptions, having nut sales and yard sales, and staffing food stands at different functions.
They have been able to periodically donate funds to the firemen to be used for firefighting equipment and for building needs.
For many years, they have given food baskets to the needy during the Christmas season. Their services are always appreciated by the fire company, but one of the most notable is during long fire calls. When the firemen are cold and hungry, the ladies’ auxiliary brings them drinks and sandwiches. The Ladies Auxiliary members’ commitment to the fire company has enhanced all operations of the fire company. To the Ladies Auxiliary we simply, and most sincerely, say thank you for a job well done.
The Heidlersburg Fire Company started having family style beef and oyster suppers. The first suppers were held in the old kitchen and dining room, but as time passed and the crowds grew, the members decided they needed a new kitchen.
People were coming from them as far away as Harrisburg as word about the dinners spread throughout the area and other states.
A new tank truck was purchased. The fire department purchased a new cab and chassis from Sheets Truck Center in Hanover. The old tank was removed from the Diamond T and put over onto the new lnternational. The cost of the new truck was $7260.
That new truck would remain with the fire company until 1991.
A 1965 Mack fire engine was purchased for $25,000 from Bryn Mawr fire department near Philadelphia. After it was put into service, the 1942 GMC engine was retired.
An additional 1.8 acres were purchased from Jack Knake for $5,355. This land was needed to construct the newly planned dining room and to build a parking lot.
A completely new kitchen and dining room were added at a cost of $82,430. To pay for this and to pay for the land needed to allow the expansion, money was borrowed. Ten years later, the mortgage for that expansion was retired. Over the years, the kitchen and dining area have had continuous improvements, such as a drop ceiling, decorations, new equipment, and furnishings.
An electronic heat management system was installed by Jeff Bucher. This system was the first of its kind in public buildings in the county and gained newspaper recognition.
A 1971 International 4x4 Scout was purchased for $900 and was modified into a brush truck. It remains in service today and is known as Brush 25.
The gas engine in the Mack went bad so the fire company decided to repower the truck with a diesel engine. Three years later, the Mack was completely refurbished including the first fully enclosed cab in the county to protect the firemen.
A medical assist team was formed to enable the fire company to assist those in need prior to the arrival of an ambulance. Members of the department completed necessary training to provide this valuable service to the community.
The fire company decided to purchase a 1982 Ford cab and chassis and rebuild the tan truck. The tank was removed from the old tanker and after much modification and fabricating, the new tanker was put into service in March of 1992.
Heidlersburg Fire Company had been attending other company functions such as public sales and outside events with food service trucks. HFD members decided to make their own happen with tents and/or in buildings such as garages and sheds. It took a lot of efforts and work, setting up and tearing down. Around 1978 the fire company purchased an old truck van body and installed axles under the body. A large serving window was cut in the side of the body. The inside was modified to accept a grill, freezer, refrigerator, fryers, and a. counter. This portable make shift kitchen was towed to events, as needed and used on the fire company grounds for events. It was the portable snack bar or as called by many "The Sausage Shack" and built a new much more user friendly snack bar to be used for the carnival and other outside events.​​ A 1989 Chevy Crew Cab pick-up truck was found and purchased to be utilized as the medical assistant vehicle. The vehicle was modified as per fire company specifications. The truck had emergency lighting installed. Also utility boxes for storage were placed on the sides of the bed. A generator and lighting was also installed. This vehicle was maintained as a med assist vehicle until 2010.
Also in 1992, the HFD Celebrated its 30th Anniversary of the founding of Company 25. The week was filled with many fun-filled activities.
Members of the fire company wanted to upgrade the brush truck in 1993. The committee found a 1978 Ford F350 4x4. By the committee recommendation, the truck was purchased. The brush truck committee along with other fire company members built a brush truck unit on the newly purchased Ford truck. The brush truck performed very well, although over the following years, it was realized the brush truck was only utilized several times for woods and field fires. Due to the lack of use, and also due to many other local fire companies having brush trucks. The Ford brush truck was purchased by Lake Meade Fire Company, Reading Township in 2004.
The fire company looked to upgrade the firefighting apparatus.
A fairly new demo Sutphen/Mack Engine Truck that was used to entice perspective fire companies to purchase was bought by HFD. The engine had most of the features Heidlersburg Fire Company wanted and after a few modifications, the engine was painted to match the other apparatus.
The Mack/Sutphen engine was placed in service in 2004. The engine is still in service and performs very well. ​​​
A new Mack chassis was purchased for the purpose of a new tank truck. The fire company contracted Pennsylvania Fire Apparatus to build an all new tank truck on the new Mack chassis. The apparatus was built with a Waterous pump and a fiberglass tank wrapped with stainless steel with 3750 gallon of water. The new tanker was placed into service in 2010.
HFD was given a 2001 Chevrolet Venture Van by School Express Inc. The fire company modified the van and added the necessary equipment for the van to become a medical assist vehicle. The van did start to show a lot of rust conditions, so the fire company elected to replace the van with a newer vehicle. The van served the fire company for many years.
In 2012 Heidlersburg Fire Company hosted a 50th Anniversary Event. The event was smaller than the 1992 30th anniversary, but had just as much pride. There was a Friday night community night with free food, entertainment, games, and displays of the fire company and community. On Saturday there was a parade of good size with fire apparatus, bands, floats, civic groups, churches, and etc. Also on Saturday was a continuing of the displays, entert:a.inment and a mini carnival. We were blessed with good weather and lots of attendees.
HFD went in search for a used engine to replace the 1965/1990 Mack engine. Late in 2014 an engine was purchased from Penn Township Fire Department. The engine is a 1993 KME engine, the engine was used very moderately by Penn Township Fire Department, mostly as a "stand-by engine," and a "fill in engine" when one of Penn Township Fire Department other engines went out of service. The fire body of the engine was damaged at the left side compartment doors in a minor accident. Heidlersburg Fire Company had the accident damage repaired and other modifications completed to tlle engine by Hedierlsburg Fire Company specification. After all the repairs and modifications were completed, the engine was painted green/white to match the other Heidlersburg Fire Company apparatus. The KME engine was placed in service in 2015.
Also in 2014, a new stage was built for the carnival bands and other events needing a higher platform. The stage was a donation labor and materials by Zimmerman Homes.
A new roof was installed on the stage to protect band instruments and sound equipment. The labor for the roof was donated by Zimmerman Homes, and the fire company bought the required materials.
The old portable snack trailer was used for approximately 40 years and was beginning to show its age, so in 2015 the fire company started shopping for a replacement trailer and 2016 a trailer was successfully found in New York State by several members. The looked over the trailer, made the purchase, and traveled back to Heidlersburg Fire Company the 38' long trailer with open floor plan.
The fire company drew up specifications, and Pennsylvania. Fire Apparatus modified the trailer to the specifications. The trailer has 4 serving windows, a counter, a large grille, 6 fryers, stainless steel work tables, refrigerator, freezer, water storage, a stainless steel hood, fans, a upper deck for storage, lights, propane gas, ADP floor, and a fire suppression system.​ It was painted to match fire company apparatus and was placed in service in 2017. The first two years in service the trailer was pulled to events by fire company members personal trucks.
​​In 2019 the fire company located and purchased a 2017 Dodge Ram 3500 model flatbed truck with a 4 door cab and 4x4 with a gooseneck hitch. The Dodge truck is used to pull the food trailer and also as a fire company service vehicle. A Chevy Suburban equipped with fire police equipment was also purchased from Hampton Fire Company. The vehicle was left white in color. Hedlersburg Fire Company added graphics and lettering in Heidlersburg Fire Company apparatus colors.
In 2020, 2006 GMC Canyon 4 door pick-up truck with a bed topper was found and purchased for the purpose of a medical assist vehicle. The GMC truck was in very good clean condition with low mileage. The vehicle was modified to fire company specification and painted green/white to match the other fire apparatus.
In 2022 a new air conditioning system was installed in the dining room and kitchen area.
Since the start of the Heidlersburg Fire Co., it has come a long way. The members of the fire company and the members of the community, both past and present, have made the Heidlersburg Fire Company what it is today. Fundraisers continue to provide the needed dollars to support the fire company, including serving banquets and dinners, the annual carnival, feeds, and bingo events.
The company is blessed with a wonderful group of ladies who work in the auxiliary to help make these functions happen. With their help, the Heidlersburg Fire Company continues to be famous for its beef and oyster dinners.
The fire company’s commitment to the community will surely remain for many years to come. The dedication and perseverance of the community will continue to allow the company to grow and prosper as it has in the past.